Modifying the TwinCam OEM frame in a BAD LAND style

In a BAD LAND style …

We used TwinCam’s OEM frame to modify this Custom Harley in a BAD LAND style. Such a modification takes a great deal of lengthy drawing and calculation work, and the actual building process takes as long, so we can produce only a few cusoms of this style a year.

We dropped the gasoline tank and F&R fenders as well as the seat structure of the frame, so we took an In-One Make approach for the oil tank as well.

This Harley is an EFI model, so an gasoline pump designed for EFI models must be installed onto the gasoline tank. When we take an In One-Make approach for the gasoline tank, we use OEM gasoline pump for SPORTSTER, which is smaller in size than BigTwin.

In constructing the frame

In constructing the frame, we must build all the parts extremely carefully to accommodate wires coming out of the gasoline pump. In this case, we separated the gasoline tank into two tanks placed side-by-side and created a bit of space between the main frame and the gasoline tanks, in order to secure enough room for the wires.

Also, as for the swingarm, we installed oval-shaped pipes to the upper pipe to match the frame. The drilled expression of this body greatly characterizes the appearance.


TwinCamの純正フレームを使いBAD LAND流にモディファイしたこのカスタムですが、設計図の作成や強度計算書の作成等々の机上の仕事もかなりの量が要求され、またその実際の製作作業にも膨大な時間が費やされる為、この様なスタイルのカスタムは年間を通じ沢山造る事は出来ません。

ガソリンタンクや前後のフェンダーは勿論の事ですが 、フレームのシートレール部分の構造も下方に深くドロップさせた為、今回オイルタンクもワンメイクにて製作を致しました。



