TwinCam Softail 300 Wide Tire Custom

Low & Long styling…

This is the custom, which is currently in production. It is based on the TwinCam Softail. All of the exterior parts including the Gasoline Tank and Fenders were handmade at our company. For this project, Low & Long styling will be achieved by including large scale modifications to the original frame. In the front, we will install 80 spokes style wheel manufactured at TTS. The rear wheel will use the Design : Solid Type from Rick’s Motorcycles. Both products are made in Germany, and all in all it is a very unique set up.

The Front Fork will be converted to the Up-Down Fork used in the V-ROD. I was not able to take a photo from right beside, but in this custom, the neck of the frame is at 42 degrees. The entire length of the front fork will be adjusted to an appropriate size based on the triple tree being made entirely by hand. Of course, since the original frame is being modified based on a precise design, an appropriate trail is ensured so the actual riding experience will not be negatively influenced. Today the owner of this custom bike will come to the store. At that time I will devise the plans for the custom paint with him.


こちらは現在製作中のカスタム… TwinCam Softailをベースに製作しました。ガソリンタンクや前後のフェンダーなどの外装パーツは全て弊社にて手造りにて製作をしました。また今回は 純正フレーも大幅にモデファイを加え、文字通りのLow & Longのスタイリングを実現致しております。フロントにはTTS社製の80 spokesスポーク仕様のホィールをインストール。リアにはRick’s Motorcycles社製のデザイン : Solid Typeを採用。どちらもドイツ製のプロダクトでありまして、結果足回りに関しては非常に個性的なセットアップとなりました。
